Seven Point Identity and Focus

We are:

Christ Centred

Spirit Formed

Bible Based

Sabbath Celebrating

Kingdom Focused

Grace Oriented

Truth Spoken

Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia Membership Application

Membership information: You were baptised by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ, and received the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands. You are now part of the body of Christ.

You may like to also consider experiencing membership in the Church of God (Seventh Day) as we operate as a not-for-profit association. This gives you the opportunity to be an active part of congregational decision-making process and administration - you have then a voice and a vote in being fully committed to your local church area. We are registered as a not for profit association in order to hold a bank account, and, for example, we require membership to provide a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. After a year's membership and of good standing, you may also be eligible to serve on your local church board/committee. Complete the PDF Membership Application form below and send it to us.

Living and sharing the good news in Jesus Christ.

© Copyright 2025 Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia