Exploring essential Biblical doctrines of the Church of God (Seventh Day)
The Bible is the only authoritative and infallible rule of faith and conduct for humanity.
Understanding the identity, character and nature of the Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely crucial to a complete, authentic and articulate understanding of the rest of scripture!
What's the narrative behind God's surgical creation of Eve? And, what's the story with Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah?
Why would God be bothered with us sinful and wayward creatures?
Sinful humanity may be saved from the penalty of eternal death and receive eternal life instead, solely by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ...
The Church is known as "the Bride, the Body and the Building",
God's personal presence and power lives in those surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ in thought, word and deed.
What's our genuine, heartfelt and thought-through response to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ?
The Ten Commandments were known and obeyed by faithful people long before the law was delivered to by Moses to ancient Israel.
The gift of Sabbath rest is not irrelevant for Christians under the new covenant gospel!
Exploring the origin, meaning, purpose and transcendent reality of marriage between a man and a woman in faithfulness for a lifetime.
What does an authentic follower of Jesus Christ look like in the day-to-day routine of life?
How do we put righteousness into practice?
Instead of giving as a legal obligation, believers now give tithes and offerings in recognition of God's ownership of all things...
God's desire for His covenant people to be holy and set apart from the world's wickedness and uncleanness is a constant theme throughout scripture.
As a result - not a cause - of redemption, believers should regard participation in physical warfare as contrary to a Christian's humanitarian calling.
The disparities that existed in the first century Christian churches still persist 2000 years later. God tells us acceptable ways to worship Him in holiness, truth and purity, and yet pagan practices have been inculcated into Christian practice.
The Kingdom of God as it exists in the past, present and future, and manifest in the presence and person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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