We appreciate your generosity as we work together in Jesus' name to nurture and grow the church, make disciples and share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Donate by PayPal! If you have the PayPal app on your phone, simply scan the QR code to the left, and facilitate your donation that way.
Alternatively, you may manually utilise PayPal Donate via the buttons below. Thank you for your partnership in gospel work! Direct Deposit bank details are also available.
Donations/tithes/offerings are utilised for Australian ministry work and the advancement of sharing the gospel. Costs include meeting hall rental, CCL licensing, support of international ministry projects, local church expenses, support of mission churches, as well as evangelism costs such as social media advertising, printing, purchase and distribution of Bibles, and postage of the Edifier magazine, event, venue and equipment hire.
Our pastors in Australia are volunteers and their work unpaid.
You may also use our direct deposit details below.
Church of God (Seventh Day) Western Australia
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633-000
Account: 175 836 121
Church of God (Seventh Day) Sydney, NSW
Bendigo Bank
BSB: 633-000
Account: 196 330 757
Church of God (Seventh Day) South Australia
Bank of South Australia
BSB: 105-159
Account: 019 114 740