Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia

Christ centred
Spirit formed
Bible based
Sabbath celebrating

Grace oriented

Welcome to worship, fellowship and discipleship in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the
glory of our Heavenly Father.


Welcome to the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Australia.

We're glad you're here, and hope you're blessed by visiting us online, and we pray, in person as well!



Emmaus Equipping Bible Classes is sponsored by the Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia. Join us for online Bible classes in a fun, supportive and authentic exploration of God's Word. Orientation began 10 November 2024 and classes are well underway now in 2025

We are a Christ centred, Spirit formed, Sabbath celebrating and Bible believing church community. We invite you to join in for Saturday Sabbath worship services and come to know Jesus Christ. We cherish a welcoming, compassionate and grace-oriented heart in obedience to the authority of Scripture alone, as only in Christ do we experience the fullness of grace and truth.

We invite you to explore and share our journey in Christ.

We currently have Sabbath worship services in Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Geelong, with plans and prayers for planting fellowships in other Australian cities and regional centres.

The Church of God (Seventh Day) traces its journey over some 180 years, when a small group of faithful believers began to share the hope of Jesus' second coming.

Church life in Australia was formalised in the 1980s, with Australia being one of the charter members of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation.

Our church is characterised by a desire to follow Jesus, grow as Biblical understanding deepens, and generously share the good news. If you're looking for fellowship, it is our prayer that in our midst you'll find our Lord Jesus Christ.

The truth shall make you free!

John 8:32

The Edifier

The latest edition of The Edifier magazine is available for delivery to your address, as well for PDF download. The Edifier magazine is part of our outreach equipping, with a prayerful desire to transform peoples' lives through the uncompromising written and personified Word of God.

We invite Australian residents to subscribe without cost.

The PDF version is available for free download.

The Lord's Supper Service 2025

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

There are two distinct aspects about our calling that Jesus commanded.

One is baptism and the other is the new covenant commemoration in His body and blood, the Lord’s Supper (or as referenced by some as the New Covenant Christ Passover).

At some point, we accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our only Saviour. We repented of our sins. We surrendered all, and to the best of our faith counted the cost of discipleship. And rising from the waters of baptism, with the laying on of hands in receiving the Holy Spirit, we became a new creation in Christ.

In our Biblical tradition based on the night when our Lord Jesus took bread and was betrayed, we too join in and participate in the annual proclamation of Jesus’ death. For we too shared in his death through the waters of baptism. And likewise, we too will share in the power of his resurrection. That’s a certainty for those who “trim their oil lamps” and shine the light of Christ on the journey of perseverance!

On Friday evening, at 7:00pm, 11 April 2025, we will meet at various venues across this continent. As baptised members of the body of Christ, we gather in community to commemorate and proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ and the price he was willing to pay in our redemption and salvation. We share in the symbols of the Bread of Life, and in the Cup of the New Covenant. And, in the humility and service of foot washing we also follow Jesus' command.

The Hebrew Passover, under the old covenant, pointed to the Lamb of God, the Saviour of the World. Thus a male lamb, one year old and without blemish was slaughtered, roasted and eaten. But such substitutionary sacrifices can never take away sin, although it clearly illustrates that sin can only be atoned for by blood. Under the new covenant, Jesus became the sacrifice typified in the Lamb of God, for only in Jesus can our sin be removed. Thus the Lord’s Supper transcends the old in both meaning and practice.

In the remaining time ahead, may we privately in prayer come before the throne of grace to receive mercy and help in our time of need – to better and more deeply appreciate the profound exchange Jesus initiated on behalf of our heavenly Father’s redemptive purpose. Jesus took on our sin, and he attributes to us his righteousness! Thus we too stand before our heavenly Father, justified! What a profound reality! What great joy! What great gladness!

For those who are keeping the Lord’s Supper at home, we recorded a video in 2020, “The Lord’s Supper Service at Home” which you may find helpful: or at

We join in prayer that or commemoration, celebration and proclamation of Jesus’ death and resurrection speaks deeper than ever before in our hearts and minds as God prepares us for fellowship in glory. See you on Friday evening on 11 April 2025 for this special memorial

In Christ your brother, pastor John

The Church of God (Seventh Day)
Lord's Supper service

Commemorating, remembering and proclaiming our Lord Jesus Christ

Countdown to the Lord's  Supper Service

Friday evening, 11 April 2025

Livestreaming Sabbath worship

Join us for Sabbath worship services, livestreaming every second Saturday. On alternate Sabbaths, we host a new featured sermon.

11:00am WA time | 1:00pm NSW/VIC time.

Australian Convention March 2024
Australian Convention, March 2024

Mid-week Bible Study

Join us for mid-week Bible Study on Tuesday at 4:30pm WA time, 7:00pm SA time, and 7:30pm Eastern Australia time.

Connect using Zoom. Meeting ID: 993 136 2668
Email, call or text 04 2999 2777 for password


International Federation

The Church of God (Seventh Day) in Australia is a founding member of the church's International Federation. The Federation is dedicated to working towards strengthening doctrinal unity, providing theological and leadership training, administration counsel, support for missions and missionaries, as well as coordinate the evangelistic work of the church.

Donate securely online

We've recently implemented an online donation facility for giving.

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© Copyright 2025 Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia