Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia

Open Day!

Our church community meets on Saturday morning. An you are invited.

All welcome
Come! We love Jesus. And we love people.

Sydney worship and fellowship

Open Day
17 August 2024
Worship, Fellowship, Shared meal!

When: 11:00am, 17 August 2024
Where: Rhodes Community Hall
63 Blaxland Road, Rhodes NSW 

We are a Christ centred, Spirit formed, Sabbath celebrating and Bible believing church community. We invite you to join in for Saturday Sabbath worship services and come to know Jesus Christ. We cherish a welcoming, compassionate and grace-oriented heart in obedience to the authority of Scripture alone, as only in Christ do we experience the fullness of grace and truth.

We invite you to explore and share our journey in Christ.

We currently have Sabbath worship services in Adelaide, Perth, Sydney and Geelong, with plans and prayers for planting fellowships in other Australian cities and regional centres.

The Church of God (Seventh Day) traces its journey over some 180 years, when a small group of faithful believers began to share the hope of Jesus' second coming.

Church life in Australia was formalised in the 1980s, with Australia being one of the charter members of the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation.

Our church is characterised by a desire to follow Jesus, grow as Biblical understanding deepens, and generously share the good news. If you're looking for fellowship, it is our prayer that in our midst you will find our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us know!

Let us know. Join in! Be assured of a great time of worship and fellowship!

The truth will make you free!

John 8:32

© Copyright 2025 Church of God (Seventh Day) Australia